Fleetwood Area School District is a Phase 2 District in terms of Comprehensive Planning. The Comprehensive Planning (CP) process is a continuous process used to ensure that all students are achieving at high levels. Local Education Associations (LEA) are required to submit a Comprehensive Plan every 3 years. Continuous planning of Local Educational Agencies is essential to providing increased student performance and quality results.
Please contact Dr. Michael P. Kelly, Assistant Superintendent, at 610-944-8111 x10101 or mkelly@fleetwoodasd.org with comments regarding the district’s Comprehensive Plan.
Click here to access the entire FASD PDE Approved 2024-2027 Comprehensive Plan.
Below are the PDE approved supporting documents:
Academic Standards and Assessment Requirements (Chapter 4)
Gifted Education Plan Assurances (Chapter 16)
Induction Plan (Chapter 49)
Professional Development (Act 48)
Student Services Assurances (Chapter 12)