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District Safety & Security

Parents and other adults visiting our schools are asked to report to the school’s office, sign in, and wear a "Visitor" badge. In addition, we ask that parents stop in the office when picking up their child for an appointment scheduled prior to the end of the school day and sign them out. The secretary will contact the classroom teacher and the child will be sent directly to the office as quickly as possible. Whenever possible, please inform the school in advance of any such appointment or appointments so that the classroom teacher can prepare any assignments for your child to take home. If your elementary child misses the start of the school day due to an appointment, we ask that parents enter the school with their child and sign them in at the office upon arriving to school. Elementary children should not be dropped off at the front of the school building and allowed to proceed inside unattended.

Emergency Procedures

The Fleetwood Area School District has established the following "Emergency Management Procedure" relative to the dismissal of students in the event of a national/state/local emergency. Please be aware that we will be in close communication with emergency management personnel when assessing the situation and determining a proper course of action.

  1. All buildings will be placed into a lock-down mode. Students will remain in their classrooms or within a designated area of their school. Students in modular classrooms will be brought into the main building.

  2. We will keep children at school until:
    • it is determined that it is safe to send them home on the bus with high school students dismissed first, followed by middle and elementary students; or
    • you or your designee can arrive at school to receive your child.
  3. A parent/guardian may only pick up his/her child by signing the child out of school in the main office of the building. Children will not be released to meet their parents/guardians at a designated location.
  4. Your child may be released to those individuals noted as emergency contacts on your Personal Data Report. Any individual picking up a student during an emergency will be required to provide a photo identification. Please use the enclosed form if you would like to add, or amend, emergency contacts. Please Note: E-mails, faxes, and telephone calls will not be accepted for this purpose.
  5. Senior high school students who utilize private transportation, as well as those students in all buildings who walk to and from school, will be dismissed when we have been informed that it is safe to do so.
  6. Conditions permitting, all announcements of our decisions will be made over the usual radio and television stations used for snow closings. Information relative to the emergency procedures being followed by the district will be posted on our website.
  7. Due to the anticipated heavy volume of calls and the need to keep school telephone lines open for emergency personnel, please do not call the office requesting the relay of information or messages to your child.
  8. It would be our intent to care for your children until the emergency passes or until we can return the children to your care. We have basic supplies at each building in the event that students need to stay at school after school hours.
  9. If conditions require an evacuation of any of our buildings, in addition to media announcements, we will activate the elementary phone chains, and school personnel will post notices at the school so that parents know where their children have been taken.

In the event of a "Severe (Red) Alert", in our Homeland Security Advisory System, we will implement increased supervision of students. All field trips will be cancelled. We will implement the lock down procedures noted above only in the event of a national/state/local emergency.

It is important that families discuss our emergency plans immediately, as well as your own "back-up" plan. I encourage you to talk with your children about your concerns while also providing them with an opportunity to share their fears. We hope that we never have to implement these procedures, but we must ALL be prepared for any emergency.